Fly Infinity Tandem Paragliding

ما تحتاج لمعرفته حول أفضل الطيران المظلي الترادفي في أولودينيز، تركيا

هل الطيران الشراعي الترادفي في أولدينيس بتركيا آمن؟

Tandem Paragliding


هل تعتقد أن الطيران الشراعي في تركيا مفيد لتجنب الازدحام أثناء الطيران ؟!

You’re on vacation in a beautiful scenic place, with amazing views of the landscape and the chance to test your courage by trying something new and exciting. That sounds like an ideal opportunity to take up something new, doesn’t it? If you enjoy flying but aren’t ready yet to give up that exhilarating feeling from being high above the ground without any assistance, then tandem paragliding is just perfect for you. If this is not your first time hearing about this activity, that’s great news! Many people who’ve experienced paragliding previously now prefer tandem paragliding for its ease of use and convenience. .

ما هو الطيران الشراعي الترادفي؟

Tandem paragliding is a type of paragliding, which is a leisure sport in which one uses gravity to propel themselves through the air. The primary distinction is that the tandem paragliding pilot is supported by a harness, a specialized paraglider wing, and a sturdy rope that is fastened to the harness and features a unique quick-release mechanism. This implies that you can fly using your arms instead of pushing with your legs. A paragliding pilot who will oversee the entire paragliding experience will assist you.

ترادف بالمظلات في أولدينيس ، تركيا

Paragliding has become a popular adventure sport that many tourists who come to Oludeniz consider trying. However, you’re not limited to just trying paragliding by yourself. Thanks to the growing popularity of tandem paragliding, you can now experience paragliding with a pilot who will assist you throughout the event. Tandem paragliding is the modified version of paragliding, which allows first-time flyers to enjoy the experience of flying high above the ground without having to exert any effort. That’s right, you will be seated on a special seat and harness, and the pilot will do everything for you.

لماذا يجب أن تجرب الطيران الشراعي جنبا إلى جنب؟

The greatest way to feel what paragliding is like if you’ve never tried it is to try tandem paragliding. You won’t have to do any of the laborious work because the pilot will take care of everything. You’ll have a paraglider wing and a seat that are connected to a unique harness that will let you soar through the air while taking in the amazing views from a great height. This is a great option if you want to feel the same rush and experience what it’s like to soar above the ground. Remember that tandem paragliding is an extremely safe activity. The pilot will constantly monitor you and assist you if ever feel uncomfortable.

أشياء يجب تذكرها عند الطيران الشراعي الترادفي

-To turn the glider, the pilot tugs on the steering lines. It is important that you exercise caution and never pull the ropes on your side until the pilot gives you permission to do so at his professional judgment. – Your arms and legs must always remain within the glider. They’ll let you know if you kick the pilot by mistake. – You must turn to face the wind’s direction. The pilot may have to land the glider early if the wind is strong and blowing in the incorrect direction. – Until the pilot gives you the all clear to release go, hang onto the handles by your sides. Additionally, make sure to read the TripAdvisor reviews before booking your flight. Reviews at FlyInfinity are excelent.

نصائح لتجربة الطيران المظلي الترادفي آمنة وممتعة

-It’s recommended that you try tandem paragliding with an experienced pilot if you’ve never flown a paraglider. A minimum age of 4 years old is required to try tandem paragliding. – You don’t need to be physically capable of solo paragliding. Your concern about not being physically capable of paragliding on your own should go away because the pilot will take care of everything. – Dress comfortably in attire appropriate for inclement weather. Steer clear of baggy items of apparel like skirts and shorts.


The greatest way to take in the breathtaking Turkish scenery from above is by paragliding. People of many ages can enjoy this exciting hobby. Paragliding is the ideal adventure sport for travelers seeking a thrilling experience in Turkey. If you’ve never tried paragliding before, you can begin by practicing tandem paragliding with a more experienced pilot. If you’ve never parachuted before, this is the greatest way to feel the rush of the sport.

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